Ma il libro oggetto di questa revisione era da tempo nella mia lista dei DaLeggere, per un ottimo motivo. Fossi nata e vissuta in quel periodo sarei stata sicuramente un'accesa supporter di Kennedy e l'avrei orgogliosamente votato. Essendo nata nei tempi moderni, l'unica cosa che ho potuto fare è andare a rendere omaggio alla sua tomba al Cimitero di Arlington e leggere tutto ciò che è disponibile sulla sua figura e, soprattutto, su colei che da molti anni è la mia personale icona di stile, Jacqueline.
Una bellissima coppia, quella che ai tempi era la prima speranza dell'America per un futuro migliore, per un futuro più ricco e sereno. Chissà cosa sarebbe successo... Ma come Jack Epping e il suo alter ego George Amberson sanno benissimo, l'effetto farfalla non perdona e potrebbe avere ripercussioni agghiaccianti...
Il destino è destino e noi non abbiamo alcun potere contro di esso. La speranza è l'ultima a morire e possiamo solo avere fiducia e agire per il meglio che personalmente possiamo. Niente viaggi nel tempo per noi, niente rabbit-holes, niente ritorni al presente.
Kennedy è morto, viva Kennedy!
Stephen King
I think I was the only one in the world who have never read something written by Stephen King. I don't love horrors, on the contrari I can say I keep myself pretty far from there, so it's quite understandable my distance from this author.
But this book was for a long time in my ToReadList, for a very good reason. If I was born and lived in those years I would have been for sure a passionate supporter of Kennedy and I would be very proud of voting him. But I'm born in these years, and the only thing I can do is pay my tribute to his grave at the Arlington National Cemetery and read everything is available about him and, most of all, about the woman who is, since many years, my personal icon, Jacqueline.
A beautiful couple, who was at that time the hope for a better future, for a more rich and happy future. Who know what would have happened... But how Jack Epping and his alter ego George Amberson know very well, the Butterfly effect doesn't forgive and could have terrible consequences...
Fate is fate and we don't have any power against it. Hope is the last one to die and we can just have faith and act for the best we can. No time travels for us, no rabbit-holes, no comebacks to the present.
Kennedy is dead, viva Kennedy!
Stephen King
But this book was for a long time in my ToReadList, for a very good reason. If I was born and lived in those years I would have been for sure a passionate supporter of Kennedy and I would be very proud of voting him. But I'm born in these years, and the only thing I can do is pay my tribute to his grave at the Arlington National Cemetery and read everything is available about him and, most of all, about the woman who is, since many years, my personal icon, Jacqueline.
A beautiful couple, who was at that time the hope for a better future, for a more rich and happy future. Who know what would have happened... But how Jack Epping and his alter ego George Amberson know very well, the Butterfly effect doesn't forgive and could have terrible consequences...
Fate is fate and we don't have any power against it. Hope is the last one to die and we can just have faith and act for the best we can. No time travels for us, no rabbit-holes, no comebacks to the present.
Kennedy is dead, viva Kennedy!
Stephen King