Non è un libro triste, per quanto mi sia commossa nelle ultime pagine. E' un autobiografia di una persona intelligente, che ha vissuto un'infanzia senza una madre e ha passato la vita a chiedersi "Perchè io? Perchè mi ha lasciato da solo?". La risposta era troppo difficile per un bambino, troppo dolorosa. Una risposta che forse solo un uomo adulto, dopo aver vissuto e aver amato e lasciato e perso e trovato qualcosa, può capire. E alla fine Massimo questa risposta ce l'ha. E grazie a un'altra donna, una donna nel suo presente e futuro, potrà finalmente vivere in pace.
Ho amato la parte in cui racconta di quando venne mandato in zona di guerra e un bambino, anche lui senza madre, aveva bisogno di un aiuto. La storia di un palloncino rosso volato in cielo. Bellissimo, quelle storie che dovremmo leggere sempre e far leggere a chi di dovere, perchè ci ricordiamo sempre che la guerra non porta mai a niente di buono, solo dolore, sofferenza, solitudine.
Un libro bello, non triste, preferisco definirlo malinconico. E a tratti ironico, come il suo autore. Che da oggi stimo ancora di più.
Massimo Gramellini
Fai bei sogni
Euro 14,90
A dear friend of mine have read this book before me and his personal review was "this is an unbelievably sad book". In my opinion, Massimo Gramellini is a journalist with an extremely smart irony, a man gifted by a delicate mind, but never sugary. So, I didn't know what kind of book I was going to read. I discovered just at the end of the book that this is an autobiography. And what I've read strenghtened in me my personal opinion about the writer and made me understand from where his way of writing comes.
This is not a sad book, as far as I was touched by the last pages. It's the autobiography of a very smart man, who lived a childhood without a mother and spent a life asking "What's wrong with me? Why did she leave me alone?". The answer was too hard for a kid, too painful. An answer that maybe just an adult man, after have lived and loved and left and lost and found something, manages to understand. At the end, Massimo will find that answer. Thanks to another woman, a woman in his present and future, he will live in peace.
I loved the part where he tells when he was sent in a war zone and a kid, without a mom like him, needed help. The story of a red balloon. Beautiful, this is that kind of stories we would read always and make read to responsible parties, because we need to remember that the war doesn't lead to anything good, just pain, suffering, solitude. A beautiful book, not sad, I prefer to say gloomy. And sometimes ironic, as his author. I appreciate him a little bit more.
Massimo Gramellini
Sweet dreams