Grazie a Dio non ho mai avuto a che fare con persone dipendenti da alcool e droga, ma da quel che poco che ne so è facile dire che bisogna costringerli a disintossicarsi. La droga e l'alcool non lasciano scampo. La famiglia di Amy le è stata accanto, ha provato in tutti i modi a farla tornare in sè. Ma Amy era adulta ed era impossibile fermarla a meno che lei stessa non fosse cosciente della sua situazione e volesse cambiarla. Inoltre, secondo il padre Amy era pulita per le droghe già da qualche tempo quando è morta. E' stato l'alcool a ucciderla.
E adesso sì, possiamo dire tutti insieme che è stato un enorme spreco di talento. Possiamo dire che per il mondo dell'arte è stata una grande perdita, che avremmo voluto sentire quella straordinaria voce in molti dischi.
Un libro che mi ha fatto venire una strana malinconia. Back to black.
Mitch Winehouse
Amy, mia figlia
Who in the world didn't love Amy, her gorgeous voice, her songs, her charisma, her so unique and resolute look. And, at the same time, who has been surprised by her death. Videos of her disastrous shows, her lifeless gaze. We all had an idea about her life, how many times we said "they didn't protect her enough", "she was a drug addict till the end", "her family was interested only in her money". Well, I must admit there were my thoughts too. Now, after this book's last page, I understand how much we were mistaken.
Thank God I have never deal with people addicted to alcohol or drugs, but even if I know only little it's easy to say that someone has to force them quitting and going to rehab. Drugs have no way out. Amy's family was there for her, desperately trying to help her. But Amy was a grown up and it was impossible to stop her, unless she was aware of her situation and determined to change it. Also, according to her father, Amy was clean by drugs long time before she died. Alcohol killed her.
And now yes, we can say that ii was a huge waste of talent. We can say that it was a huge loss for the art, that I would love to listen her voice in many other songs.
This book gave me a strange blues. Back to Black.
Mitch Winehouse
Amy, my daughter