L'ultimo, in ordine di tempo, che mi ha stregata e soggiogata é "Una stanza tutta per sé" di Virginia Woolf. Il libro é un trattato sulla letteratura femminile. La Woolf traccia una sorta di storia della letteratura femminile e della posizione della donna nella società. Dall'inizio, quando le donne erano completamente sottomesse al marito e le donne che scrivevano erano delle mosche bianche; passando per le prime donne scrittrici, che molto spesso dovevano celassi dietro no maschili, come le sorelle Bronte; fino al momento attuale, in cui le donne hanno i mezzi per raggiungere un'indipendenza economica e non sono più soggette all'autorità patriarcale.
La stanza del titolo allude proprio a una situazione tipica della donna che scrive: mentre Jane Austen e le sorelle Bronte non avevano alcuna possibilità di avere una stanza tutta per loro dove potere scrivere e dedicarsi alla scrittura, dovevano quindi accontentarsi di scrivere, in genere, nella sala da pranzo, fonte continua però di distrazioni. La stanza privata vista quindi come un traguardo da raggiungere, la meta da cui partire per chiunque volesse fare letteratura, soprattutto per le donne. L'indipendenza economica e un posto privato dover poter sviluppare il proprio talento, due requisiti che le donne hanno dovuto conquistarsi e che é sempre stato appannaggio degli uomini. Come lei stessa scrive, "la libertà intellettuale dipende da cose materiali. La poesia dipende dalla libertà intellettuale. E le donne sono sempre state povere, non solo in questi ultimi duecento anni, ma dall'inizio dei tempi."
Virginia Woolf
Una stanza tutta per sé
Newton Compton Editori
Euro 0,99
This book strengthened in me, forever and ever, the firm belief that "English people does it better". No, not the same kind of thing in Madonna's T-Shirt... I mean writing. I love English Literature, I love Shakespeare, Bronte's sister and Doris Lessing. I am stuck to their pages, I was awake at 4 on several nights for them, having fun,
getting frightened, fighting, thinking. Other names? Easy, J.K. Rowling, Charles Dickens and Virginia Woolf. Easy because their books are now in my bedside table.
The last one, in chronological order, that have bewitched me is "A Room of one's Own", by Virginia Woolf. The book is an issue about women and literature. Mrs Woolf draws a kind of history of literature and women and the women's position in society.From the beginning, when women were completely submitted to their husbands and women writers were such as a black swan; passing through first writers, that usually had to hide their identity behind male names, as Bronte's sister; up to the present, women have their own money, economic independence and are no more subject to patriarchal authority.
The "Room" is related to a usual situation for women writers: Jane Austen and Bronte's sister had no chance to have a room of their own where writing, they had to being satisfied of writing, in general, in the living room, source of lacks of attention. The own room seen as a goal to achieve for every woman that wanted to be a writer. The economic indipendence and a private place where developing inner talents, two things that women had to achieve and it was, in the past, men's prerogative. As she writes "Intellectual freedom depends upon material things. Poetry depends upon intellectual freedom. And women have always been poor, not for two hundred years merely, but from the beginning of time."
getting frightened, fighting, thinking. Other names? Easy, J.K. Rowling, Charles Dickens and Virginia Woolf. Easy because their books are now in my bedside table.
The last one, in chronological order, that have bewitched me is "A Room of one's Own", by Virginia Woolf. The book is an issue about women and literature. Mrs Woolf draws a kind of history of literature and women and the women's position in society.From the beginning, when women were completely submitted to their husbands and women writers were such as a black swan; passing through first writers, that usually had to hide their identity behind male names, as Bronte's sister; up to the present, women have their own money, economic independence and are no more subject to patriarchal authority.
The "Room" is related to a usual situation for women writers: Jane Austen and Bronte's sister had no chance to have a room of their own where writing, they had to being satisfied of writing, in general, in the living room, source of lacks of attention. The own room seen as a goal to achieve for every woman that wanted to be a writer. The economic indipendence and a private place where developing inner talents, two things that women had to achieve and it was, in the past, men's prerogative. As she writes "Intellectual freedom depends upon material things. Poetry depends upon intellectual freedom. And women have always been poor, not for two hundred years merely, but from the beginning of time."