Ho letto questo romanzo breve in due serate, non l'ho finito già la prima perchè mi sono addormentata di schianto, sopraffatta dalla noia che questo libro mi ha causato. Una cosa che le palpebre scendevano sempre più giù, abbattute da una prosa e da dei personaggi tra i più noiosi che abbia mai conosciuto.
La seconda sera ho iniziato un po' prima quindi possiamo dire che avessi più energia in corpo. Diciamo anche che non vedevo l'ora di finire queste pagine, senza nemmeno la speranza di vedere se sarebbe migliorato oppure no. (E no, direi che se possibile è anche peggiorato, anziché no...)
Insomma, ho finito il libro e ancora mi frulla in testa l'incapacità di capire per quale motivo, come recita il retro di copertina, questo libro sia una delle opere più lette e amate di Dostoevskij. Per quanto mi riguarda, i protagonisti sono incredibilmente noiosi e irrazionali, la storia banale e i discorsi tra i due assolutamente irritanti.
Ora, giusto per movimentare un attimo questa recensione, che altrimenti mi addormento io di nuovo, indovinate: quante stelline darò a questo libro? (E fosse ancora vivo l'autore, gliele darei in fronte...)
Fedor M. Dostoevskij
Le notti bianche
Newton Compton Editori
Euro 0.99
I am fully aware that what I'm going to tell right now sounds like an eresy. So, if between my readers there is someone who is a big supporter of Russian writers, please, stop reading and skip to anything else. I'm warning you!
I've read this novel in two evenings, I didn't finish it the first one because I fell asleep abruptly, won by the boredom due to this book. My eyelids fell down, won by super boring writing and characters, as I've ever read before.
I started to read a little before in the second evening so I had more strenght in my body. Well, to be honest, I was looking forward to finish those pagee, without even the hope to see an improvement or not. (To be clear, no, it even got worse...)
So, I finished this book and still swirl around my head the inability to understand how, as the back of the cover tells, this book is one of the most read and loved novels by Dostoevskij. In my opinion, the main characters are unbelievably boring and irrational, the plot is banal and their speeches are annoying.
Just to liven up this review: how many stars do you think I'll give to this book? (If the writer was still alive, I would give them to him right in his forehead...)
Fedor M. Dostoevskij
White Nights
I've read this novel in two evenings, I didn't finish it the first one because I fell asleep abruptly, won by the boredom due to this book. My eyelids fell down, won by super boring writing and characters, as I've ever read before.
I started to read a little before in the second evening so I had more strenght in my body. Well, to be honest, I was looking forward to finish those pagee, without even the hope to see an improvement or not. (To be clear, no, it even got worse...)
So, I finished this book and still swirl around my head the inability to understand how, as the back of the cover tells, this book is one of the most read and loved novels by Dostoevskij. In my opinion, the main characters are unbelievably boring and irrational, the plot is banal and their speeches are annoying.
Just to liven up this review: how many stars do you think I'll give to this book? (If the writer was still alive, I would give them to him right in his forehead...)
Fedor M. Dostoevskij
White Nights