Niente di spaventoso, ma una nonna un po' bruxa, come si dice dalle mie parti, che insegna alla nipote il linguaggio della natura e dell'istinto innato, tra una tazza di tè e una puntata a curare l'orto. Si legge velocemente, per stare in quell'atmosfera così carezzevole di cui io sento tanto il bisogno. E' bello leggere queste storie, vorrei che ce ne fossero di più.
Kaho Nashiki
Un'estate con la Strega dell'Ovest
I'm not sure what I was hoping to find in this novel, but I've certainly found something I like. A delicate, light but not trivial novel about the "magical" relationship between a grandmother and a granddaughter. It is a nice book, but not really in the sense of banal, but a book that leaves you with a pleasant warmth on you, like an affectionate caress.
Nothing scary, but a somewhat "bruxa" grandmother, as they say in my region, who teaches her granddaughter the language of nature and innate instinct, between a cup of tea and a visit to take care of the garden. It's a quick reading, to be in that soft atmosphere that I feel the need so much. It's nice to read these stories, I wish there were more.
Kaho Nashiki
A sumner with the Wicked Witch of the West